Информация для новых участников 03/07/24
Включена ручная активация новых пользователей по причине нахлынувшей волны интернет-ботов. Активация производится администратором в течение дня. Просим прощения за некоторые неудобства!
Photo Information
Original File Size7884658
Mime Typeimage/jpeg
Image Height3456
Image Width5184
Byte Order MotorolaFALSE
CCD Width22mm
Camera MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 1200D
OrientationThe 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
Resolution Unit2
Date Taken2023:05:09 18:01:03
YCbCr Positioningco-sited
Exposure Time1/200
F Number29/1
Exposure ProgramNormal program
ISO Speed Ratings640
Exif Version0230
Date Taken2023:05:09 18:01:03
Date Digitized2023:05:09 18:01:03
Shutter Speed499712/65536
Aperture Value630784/65536
Exposure Bias Value0/1
Metering ModePattern
FlashFlash fired, compulsory flash mode
Focal Length32/1
Flashpix VersionFlashpix Format Version 1.0
Color SpacesRGB
Image Width5184
Image Length3456
Interoperability Offset8102
Focal Plane X-Resolution5184000/905
Focal Plane Y-Resolution3456000/595
Focal Plane Resolution Unit2
Exposure ModeAuto exposure
White BalanceAuto white balance
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Inter-operability IndexR98
Inter-operability Version0100
Camera (Maker Note)Canon EOS 1200D
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.0.1